
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Birthday project

I'd like to think I am slightly creative, but I think most of my ideas/projects/to-do's come from Pinterest or other internet ideas.  Thanks Al Gore!

Us ladies are in the midst of turning 30 this year... yikes!  Erin's birthday was earlier this month (Happy Dirty Thirty chica!), mine is January 9th, and Jamie's is in May.  I don't know about my blog sisters, but I'm actually quite excited to welcome 30 into my life.

I'd like to celebrate by joining in on The Birthday Project. 

Basically, celebrate your birthday by performing the same number of Random Acts of Kindness as the year you are turning.  Since 30 is a banner year, I figured it is a great year to give this a try!

Now, I'm not rich.  The opposite probably.  Blessed, but not wealthy.  So it is time to get creative with ideas to make people smile, while not breaking the bank.  I also have to figure out the timing of all of this, because I will be working 12+ hours on the actual day.  (Being an adult is not always roses.) 

Here are some ideas I have read, from other people who have joined in on The Birthday Project:
1) Load bags of groceries into cars for elderly shoppers or single parents with kids with them.
2) Feed parking meters getting low.
3) Tape spare change to vending machines, laundromat machines, etc.
4) Tape lotto tickets to gas pumps for surprise for next person.
5) Leave happy notes on cars.
6) Buy a $5 gift card to McDonalds/DQ/Chick Fil A/whatever, and give it to the person behind me in line.
7) Leave a small treat and note of thanks for mailman/garbage man/etc.
8) Pay for person behind you at drive-thru.
9) Send cards to troops
10) Give carepacks or 'blessing bags' to the homeless
11) Hold doors open for strangers
12) Let strangers ahead of me in line
13) Thank police/fire/etc with cookies (fire station right down the road from me!)
14) Write handwritten letters to people who have made a difference in my life
15) Pick up trash
16) Give flowers to someone on the street.
17) Donate blood
18) Donate to Goodwill/SalVal
19) Give event tickets (easy in my case!)
20) Shovel snow for a neighbor  (in NC?  Not sure if this will work out!)
21) Be generous with compliments
22) Be polite on the road (can we just all do this every day?)
23) Offer free babysitting
24) Bring a special treat to coworkers
25) Surprise someone with an e-card
26) Volunteer (Ronald McDonald House, check!)
27) Buy a treat for a child (with parent's permission)
28) Leave coupons next to the matching products
29) Hide little bags of treats in stores.
30) Give a hot drink to someone working outdoors (January after all!)

Those are just some ideas I've liked; not sure if they are the exact ones I'll do.  But it is definitely something I want to do!  And I am going to ask friends and family to consider performing a RAK that day/week too, to continue to pay it forward.  I can't wait!  Is it January yet?

PS- If anyone reads this, and has any ideas, please comment.  I'd love to hear it!